Tiny Planet - My Own Little World: A November Walk Wrapped Up

My Own Little World: A November Walk Wrapped Up
My Own Little World: A November Walk Wrapped Up

Welcome back to my blog, where the world isn’t just at your feet, it’s all around you! Flashback to November 6, 2021 – just a chilly autumn day, you might think, but not for us. With a 360° camera in hand, a casual walk through the park turned into a journey to the center of a tiny planet.

There we were, me and my camera, standing in the middle of a miniature globe created by the magic of photography. Trees arching over us like protective giants, leaves whispering the tales of fall, and the path winding around like a track on a racing game set in nature.

This isn’t your usual snapshot; it’s a 360° embrace of the world from where I stand. It makes you wonder, doesn’t it? If we could spin the world like a basketball, would we see the beauty in the details we otherwise miss?

So here’s to those days when you pack a camera and end up packing a whole world with it. And just for the record, this isn’t all me – some AI smarts went into cooking up this post, with a dash of human charm. Who said November walks had to be dreary when you’ve got the whole world in your lens?