Tiny Planet - Skateboarding on a Sphere: My Son's September Skate

Skateboarding on a Sphere: My Son’s September Skate
Skateboarding on a Sphere: My Son’s September Skate

Hey folks! Rewind to September 10, 2021, and here’s a snapshot that’s anything but ordinary. It’s my son, the mini-skateboarder, turning a regular evening at our backyard into an epic moment, all thanks to the magic of a 360° lens. This isn’t just a photo; it’s a tiny planet where he’s the coolest astronaut ever, skating around its circumference like it’s just another day in the park.

In this crazy cool world, houses bend like they’re made of rubber, and the basketball court loops over us like a funky rainbow. While everything else is curving into a circle, there he stands — or should I say, rides — defying the usual laws of skateboarding.

So, this is a shoutout to that one time my son became the ruler of his own little spherical domain, with nothing but his skateboard and a sense of adventure. And just for the record, this blog post is brought to you by some nifty AI and dad’s editorial

skills – a combo that’s almost as rad as the photo itself. Hang onto your hats, because this is what happens when family fun meets 360° photography – memories that literally wrap around you!